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Drawing tools Pen tool: Create straight or curved lines. Satisfy all the examples and exercises given.


– Adobe flash professional cs6 tutorials pdf free download


Enter a name for the new workspace. Click OK. The workspace is now available through the workspace switcher. Objects you place on the Stage will appear in your published movie. Objects placed in the pasteboard the gray area around the Stage will not appear in the finished movie, but you can place objects there until you want them to appear on the Stage. The timeline is divided into frames.

In the timeline, you work with these frames to organize and control the content of your document. You place frames in the timeline in the order you want the objects in the frames to appear in your finished content. A keyframe indicates a change occurring in the timeline, for example a keyframe can indicate the moment at which a graphic image appears or changes in the movie.

A keyframe can also be a frame that includes ActionScript code to control some aspect of your document. You can also add a blank keyframe to the timeline as a placeholder for symbols you plan to add later or to explicitly leave the frame blank. A property keyframe is a frame in which you define a change to an object s properties for an animation.

Flash can tween, or automatically fill in, the property values between property keyframes to produce fluid animations. Because property keyframes let you produce animation without drawing each individual frame, they make creating animation easier.

A series of frames containing tweened animation is called a motion tween. Current frame, frame rate, and elapsed time are all shown at the bottom of the Timeline panel.

The playhead, represented by a red rectangle with a long red line, shows the current frame you are viewing on the timeline. You can click a frame to move the playhead to that frame, or you can drag the playhead back and forth on the timeline to quickly view all or any part of your animation.

Layers in the Timeline panel provide a way to organize the elements of your movie. You can draw and edit objects on one layer without affecting objects on another layer. Layers control the stacking order of objects the order moves from top to bottom, so objects displayed in front are in the top layer, while objects displayed in back are in the bottom layer.

This allows you to place objects in front of or behind one another. To change the order of layers, drag the layer name to a new position. The layer controls appear on the left side of the Timeline panel. Each layer has an option for hiding or showing the layer, locking it, and displaying its contents as outlines.

It lets you switch between scenes and symbols. You can also change the magnification level of the Stage. By default, the Properties panel and the Library panel are docked to the right side of the workspace. Any available panel can be opened by selecting it in the Window menu. By default, several panels are collapsed to icons to make them easy to open while reducing clutter in the workspace. To open and close these iconic panels Figure 6 click their icons.

You can undock panel groups, add panels to a group, undock individual panels, rearrange the order of docked panels, and collapse and close panel groups. To undock a panel, drag it by its tab or title bar away from its current position. You can drag it into another dock or make it free-floating. The Options area at the bottom of the Tools panel lets you modify a tool you have selected.

To select a tool, just click it. You can also use the shortcut key shown in parentheses in the tool tip that appears when you rest the pointer over a tool for a few seconds. Properties for the selected tool appear in the Properties panel.

Drag a selected object to move it. Subselection tool white arrow : Select and move points of an object or edit paths between adjacent points. Free Transform tool: Resize or rotate selected objects by dragging.

Gradient Transform tool: Transform a gradient or bitmap fill by adjusting the size, direction, or center of the fill. A 3D rotation control appears on top of selected objects on the Stage. The X control is red, the Y control is green, and the Z control is blue. When you select a movie clip with the tool, its axes, X, Y, and Z, appear on the Stage on top of the object. The X axis is red, the Y axis is green, and the Z axis is blue. Lasso tool: Drag to select an area.

Drawing tools Pen tool: Create straight or curved lines. You can also create Bezier curves. Add Anchor Point tool: Add new anchor points to an existing path. Delete Anchor Point tool: Delete anchor points from a path. Convert Anchor Point tool: Convert the points on a path between corners to smooth points. Text tool: Create or edit text and text fields. Line tool: Draw straight lines. Rectangle tool: Create rectangles or squares composed of fills and strokes, just fills, or just strokes.

Also has the PolyStar tool create either polygon or star shapes you can set how many points both shapes have , the Oval tool create circles and ovals , the Rectangle Primitive tool, and the Oval Primitive tool. Primitive shapes are individual objects that can be edited in the Properties panel. Pencil tool: Create lines in any of three modes straighten, smooth, or ink. Brush tool: Create shapes with fills only. Also has the Spray Brush tool: The Spray Brush acts like a particle sprayer, letting you brush a pattern of shapes onto the Stage at one time.

By default, the Spray Brush emits a spray of dot particles using the currently selected fill color. However, you can use the Spray Brush tool to apply a movie clip or graphic symbol as a pattern. Deco Drawing tool: Apply an effect to a selected object. Choose effects from the Properties panel. Bone tool: Inverse kinematics IK is a method for animating an object or set of objects in relation to each other using an articulated structure of bones.

This tool allows you to add bones to a set of objects in relation to each other. Bind tool: Inverse kinematics tool that allows you to click a control point or a bone with this Bind tool and display the connections between the bones and control points.

You can then change the connections in a variety of ways. Paint Bucket tool: Add fill inside a shape or change the fill color. Ink Bottle tool: Change the color or width of a line, or add a stroke to a shape. Eyedropper tool: Sample a color from swatches or anywhere on the screen. Eraser tool: Erase parts of an image. View tools Hand tool: Drag the Stage to view another part of your document. Zoom tool: Zoom in or out to view more or less of the Stage.

Fill Color: Set the fill color. Properties panel The Properties panel provides easy access to the most commonly used attributes of the current selection, either on the Stage or in the timeline. You can make changes to the object or document attributes in the Properties panel without accessing the menus or other panels that also control these attributes. Depending on what is currently selected, the Properties panel displays information and settings for the current document, text, symbol, shape, bitmap, video, group, frame, or tool.

For example, in the Properties panel you can edit the document size or select publish settings, including the target Flash Player and ActionScript versions. When two or more different types of objects are selected, the Properties panel displays the total number of objects selected. The illustrations Figure 8 show the properties for a Flash document and a text object, respectively.

Working With Animation: Introduction to Flash With Adobe Flash, you can create artwork and animations that add motion and visual interest to your Web pages. Flash movies can be interactive users can click. In the Open dialog box, navigate to.

Motion-Tweened Animation With motion tweening, you can easily create motion effects for the objects in your Flash movies. Kites flying, balls bouncing, rocks rolling. Satisfy all the examples and exercises given. Apply the appropriate animation for the facial expressions. Adding shapes, text, and pictures. Searching the Gallery. Arranging objects. Whether you plan to design or illustrate multimedia. Through a series of code samples and extensive example applications, you’ll explore the core concepts, key features, and Flash is used in the creation of Web animation, games, media rich Web sites, presentations, and more.

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