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English—Italian Italian—English. English—Japanese Japanese—English. English—Polish Polish—English. English—Portuguese Portuguese—English.

English—Spanish Spanish—English. Semi-bilingual Dictionaries. English—Chinese Simplified. English—Chinese Traditional. Follow us. Choose a dictionary. Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English. Thinking outside the box: talking about creativity. Dictionaries Choose any English or translation dictionary to search in that dictionary.

English definitions Choose from corpus-informed dictionaries for English language learners at all levels. Translations Check your understanding of English words with definitions in your own language using Cambridge’s corpus-informed translation dictionaries and the Password and Global dictionaries from K Dictionaries.

English—French French—English. English—German German—English. English—Indonesian Indonesian—English. English—Italian Italian—English. English—Japanese Japanese—English. English—Polish Polish—English. English—Portuguese Portuguese—English.

Further, the advanced search options are there, where one can customize the search as per the requirement to bring out the extract for any phrases, idioms, definitions, example, headwords and phrasal verbs. Primary Menu. English To Urdu Dictionary – Cleantouch. Add Comment Cancel reply Submit Comment. All Rights Reserved..

About Us – Our Motive – Sitemap. Predefined Colors Background Image. Nomenclature: Cambridge ALD. You can request that data be deleted. This application is a complete misrepresentation. I paid the full price only to find out it is not an “Advanced Learner’s” dictionary. It is missing far too many words you would find in other advanced learner’s dictionaries such as the Longman or Oxford. On the linguistic front, there are many errors in definitions that it can be said that their 3rd edition was a much better product.

The interface is looks rudimentary and the flash cards aren’t anything to shout about. Overall, I would not recommend this product as it fails on the primary purpose which is to be able to provide a good definition of words and to have words one would consider necessary for an advanced learner. WARNING: As the product is purchased via in-app selection, you may not be able to get a refund even if you request for a refund within the two-hour window as per the Play store policy.

Keeping my fingers crossed!


Cambridge Dictionary: Find Definitions, Meanings & Translations.


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– Cambridge english dictionary free download full version for pc

WARNING: As the product is purchased via in-app selection, you may not be able to get a refund even if you request /3435.txt a refund within the two-hour window as per the Play store policy. Clash of Clans. This application is doctionary complete misrepresentation. Official Cambridge Guide to IE. Click on it and start using the application.