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Extract the downloaded archives to your computer. The extracted archive. In the folder, you will find: BDrom-reset : Unmount the virtual Blu-ray drive from memory to restore real blu-ray disc playback on XMB tm. In the archive, there is one for firmware 3. You can edit the file in notepad or any text editor. Step 2. Connect your USB drive to your computer. Step 3. Step 4. Step 5.
On your USB, create a new folder named games. This is the folder where your Blu-ray game’s dumps will be stored when copied to the external HDD. Step 6. Step 7. Step 8. It will be automatically transfered into multiMAN internal folder upon launch. See the Paths information’s chapter to modify the paths stored in this options file. Update : Since v2. Step 9. See NTFS support to create your own file. Launch your PS3 in jailbreak mode. Either with dongles or custom firmwares.
Select MultiMan v2. Install the new version over the old one. Manual : Follow the procedure from the installation chapter. Ensure that you have a working internet connexion for your PS3. Don’t use a proxy, multiMAN won’t detect a working internet connexion Step 2. Enter multiMAN main settings by pressing. Select yes to each of the screens to accept the license agreements and load the main screen.
Information : At the loading screen, multiMAN is putting new game’s icons, game’s background image, and different other files in a cache folder to speed up the process when navigating in the interface. The cached files can be deleted manually if needed. MultiMAN has 9 different screen layouts or Display modes : 8 for games and medias, 1 for File’s manager.
There are two different options you can access, the “multiMAN Main Settings” screen lets you perform actions, like updating multiMAN, while the second set of options are used to define your own preferences for multiMAN interface. To quit Showtime, select the exit icon on the top-right corner. You need to create your own USB. CFG file first. Since multiMAN v2. These settings are stored in a file options.
Each of theses settings will be covered here. Spoiler
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Adjust whether to automatically download the missing PS3 game covers. Sets FTP startup mode. Select whether to display the game posters when selecting a game in the XMMB games column. Select whether to display the game covers when selecting a game in the XMMB games column. Select whether to display the information pop-up box in the lower right of the XMMB mode.
Sets the parental control level PIN code. Sets the parental Control level for rated titles. Lets the user launch games from the defined level and bellow. Adjust which functions will be enabled or disabled for the game’s sub-menu. Sets Whether to restrict access to File Manager. Sets whether to check titles on USB for compatibility. This setting is used to scan the game’s folder before launching it to detect if it contain split files. Setting this setting to Auto or Always allows you to name the folder without the starting underscore usually used to mark it as ‘split game’.
See the split files chapter for more informations. SELF boot file. Select which file type you want to see in multiMAN. Adjust whether to remove push list and boot history. Sets the date format for the year, month and day. Sets the time display to either a hour or hour clock. Sets the default startup display mode. Lock multiMAN to the default Display mode. Sets current display Font. Shortcut: Press. Sets Whether to play theme music in the background. BIN file mp3 renamed to.
Sets TV overscan zone in percents. Allows you to resize and zoom-out the multiMAN display. Changes size and appearance of game title names and game paths in non XMMB display mode. Adjusts level of display details for non XMMB display modes. Adjusts animation options for some display modes. Sets whether to show poster in “Game list poster ” display mode. Sets whether to show progress bar during copy operations. Sets the amount of time before hiding the unselected items on the XMMB display mode.
Sets the amount of time before launching the screensaver. Change emulator type payload. A system restart is required to apply the changes. Since multiMAN v Adding or modifying language files manually: Step 1.
TXT on ps3-addict. Set the language option to the desired language file. The folder where the games are stored has change few times since the beginning of the PS3 jailbreak. If you deleted the manager from the XMB tm menu, all the sub-folders were also deleted and you lost all your dumped games. On the same way, if you were using a different manager, your previous games were not accessible, because they were not stored in the same sub-folder.
Gaia Manager is released in 3 different package, one for each folder. The 5 most used folders are already defined, but you can change them if you want. Open options. Edit the paths as you want. Save and copy options. To move the games to another folder, see the File Manager chapter.
Most games can be stored either on internal or external without differences, they work the same way and don’t suffer any loading speed if they are located on an external USB drive. Unfortunately, this is not the case for all the games. While some will work only on internal, others will work only on external. Internal only: Some games have very big files and can’t be stored on external device because the FAT32 has a file size limit of 4GB.
To be able to move these games with individual files bigger than 4GB, you have 3 solutions. The easier solution is to split the files into multiple 4GB chunks. Pro: It’s supported by most managers and Comgenie’s awesome file manager. Con: You can’t play the game in a split form. See the Split games chapter for more informations about the split process on a computer and how to manage these games on multiMAN.
Update : v2. Up to 10 reconstructed files can be cached to internal hdd. See the FTP chapter for more informations. Pro: It’s faster than FTP and you don’t need to split the files. It can only be used to copy to internal! External only: There’s two kind of games working on external only. Windows Mac. Mike Crash’s Vegas Filters. Radiance for Vegas Pro. Spin Palace Casino. Resolume DXV Codec. Vegas Movie Studio.