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How can I save a copy of the Teams meeting I just recorded on a personal drive? – Microsoft Q&A

Visit Microsoft Streams. · Go to My Content>Meetings. · Select the video/recording you want to download. · Scroll down, and click the more options. Download a Recording from a Teams Meeting Chat (or Channel) · Open Teams app, click the Chat (or Channel) · Find the recording in your chat/. Recording owners can download and distribute their meeting recordings. 1. Go to the meeting recording in the chat history and select More options > Open in.
Play and share a meeting recording in Teams
I need to save a copy of a meeting I just held to our network. How can I get a copy? I don’t want a link, I want my own copy of the video. Attachments: Up to 10 attachments including images can be used with a maximum of 3.
LizScaggs ,. Then, you could save it in your drive. This change is the first step in the year-long effort to launch the new Microsoft Stream. For more details, please refer to this article. If the response is helpful, please click ” Accept Answer ” and upvote it. Note: Please follow the steps in our documentation to enable e-mail notifications if you want to receive the related email notification for this thread.
LizScaggs Do you have any further question on this topic now? LizScaggs I’m happy that you have figured out this question. If you have any other questions, it is welcome to discuss with us here. Have a nice day! Hi LizScaggs ,. When you are in the meeting, there is a way to launch the record and in the ending, you got the link. Then you can download the video record and copy it in your personal drive. More details:. Record a meeting in Teams.
Please refer Play and share a meeting recording in Teams for further details. How can i store the meeting recording and chat transcripts to a Sharepoint folder This is to save in shareppoitn folder for documentation and proof purpose. Can we use power automate..? How are you managing files in your Teams?
Skip to main content. Find threads, tags, and users Comment Show 0. Current Visibility: Visible to all users. No thank you, I have it figured out. These were helpful, thank you all! Hi LizScaggs , When you are in the meeting, there is a way to launch the record and in the ending, you got the link.
Teams Recording are stored in Microsoft Stream. Related Questions.
How can I save a copy of the Teams meeting I just recorded on a personal drive? – Microsoft Q&A.Article – Teams Meetings: Downloading
Teams meeting recordings are stored in your OneDrive they are accessible inside of your OneDrive or your Teams meeting chat or channel. Teams meetings recordings can be found in the ” Recordings ” folder in your OneDrive. Once the Teams meeting has been recorded, the recording will be posted in the meeting Chat or Channel. Figure 1. Figure 2. If you know you will reuse your videos for academic or non-academic use, ITS recommends uploading to Echo or Microsoft Stream.
Search Articles. Access the Teams meeting recording Teams meeting recordings are stored in your OneDrive they are accessible inside of your OneDrive or your Teams meeting chat or channel. Within ” My files “, locate the ” Recordings” folder. In ” Recordings ” folder, find the file you want to download. Select the vertical three dot menu and select ” Download “, refer to Figure 2.
In the Save As window, select your download teams recording video – download teams recording video, rename the file download teams recording video – download teams recording video needed, and click ” Save “.
The file is downloaded as an MP4 video file. You will see your Meeting recording, click on the horizontal ellipses and select ” Open “, refer to Figure 1.
Tip: You can also left click with your mouse to open the recording. Your recording will open a new browser window. You will see a preview of your recording; from the top menu bar click ” Download “, refer to Figure 2. For academic use, upload to Echo or save time and turn on a OneDrive subscription for your Teams meeting recordings to automatically copy to your Library or Course. For non-academic use, outside of Canvas, upload to Microsoft Stream. Sign in to leave feedback.
Blank Blank. Blank Details. Article ID: Related Battleground pc game 1. Echo Using Teams and OneDrive. Use Teams and OneDrive in Echo and subscribe your recordings to automatically copy to your Echo Recipient s – separate email addresses нажмите чтобы узнать больше a comma.
Check out this article I found in the Client Portal knowledge base. Send Close.